First aired in 2019, The Boys caught everyone’s attention due to its unique edgy representation of superheroes.
Fans will be anticipating the comeback of Karl Urban, Anthony Starr, and Erin Moriaty as Billy Butcher, Homelander, and Starlight respectively together with other stars who complete the team of superheroes.
Looking Back on The Boys Seasons 1 and 2
Even before season 2 was announced, Amazon Prime assured the fans that this well-acclaimed series will get a third franchise. In addition to this, the streaming service also revealed that they are fully committed to expanding the show further through making a college-focused spinoff series.
Following the series of shocking events that happened in seasons 1 and 2, The Boys continued on their mission to fight Vought which lead to them exposing Compound V to the public.
Aside from this, Billy Butcher has been more anxious as he leans towards finding this son and wife. On the other side, Stormfront surprised everyone as she eventually form a romantic relationship with Homelander.
From these series of events, we can conclude that season 3 will be exciting and mysterious as the previous ones.