The Fascinating Legend of Shahmaran: The Half-Woman Half-Snake of Anatolia

The highly anticipated Netflix series Shahmaran, featuring Serenay Sarıkaya and Burak Deniz, has finally been released, leaving audiences curious about the true identity of the legendary figure, Shahmaran. But who is Shahmaran and what is the story behind this mysterious figure? In this blog post, we'll delve into the origins and history of Shahmaran, uncovering the myth and legend surrounding this half-woman, half-snake figure of Anatolian folklore.

The Netflix production Shahmaran, starring Serenay Sarıkaya and Burak Deniz, was released on January 20th.

Shahmaran, which has been an eagerly awaited series for a long time, has gathered everyone's admiration from the first day. The series, which featured famous actors, also managed to attract attention with its fantastic subject. The most searched topic about the series, which is expected to be a great success, was Shahmaran herself. Those who watched the series or those who wanted to watch it wanted to learn the story of Shahmaran first. Before moving on to the story, let's see who Shahmaran is...

So, who is Shahmaran, what is it?

Shahmaran is one of the most important legends of Anatolian lands. The legend of Shahmaran, which is usually told in the South-Eastern Anatolia and Mediterranean regions, still remains popular today. Shahmaran means 'the head, the ruler of snakes'.

The word meran, maran, is of Persian origin and means snake. Shah, on the other hand, has the meaning that we use today. The name, which was originally 'Shah-i Meran', has become 'Shahmeran and Shahmaran' among people. Shahmaran is a mythical creature whose head is a snakeand whose body is a human body. The snake is compared with the Medusa in Greek mythology with its characteristics, but there are differences.

Where Does Shahmaran Live?

According to legend, Shahmaran is located in the borders of Tarsus in Mersin or in the Snake Castle between Ceyhan and Misis in Adana. Shahmaran lives in an underground cave with snakes that serve her. The cave is exactly seven floors below the ground. This cave is actually not a simple cave. In fact, it may be more accurate to say the underground world. There is a very magnificent garden here and all kinds of valuable items.

Nowadays, it is possible to come across Shahmaran's sculptures, drawings and miniatures in the regions where Shahmaran is rumored to have lived.

The Shahmaran statue you see in the photo is located in the Tarsus district of Mersin. The legend of Shahmaran is also told in regions such as Adana, Antep, Mardin. The name Shahmaran is also often found in these regions. There is a village of Shahmaran in a district of Antep. In Mardin, on the other hand, painting masters have been depicting Shahmeran in a different way for many years, and it is possible to come across this figure even in places that are used daily.

Let's look at Shahmaran's story...What is the legend of Shahmaran?

Thousands of years ago, there were snakes living seven floors below the ground. These snakes, called Meran, were actually quite knowledgeable and affectionate. Of course, there is also Shahmaran, the queen of snakes. Shahmaran was a very young and beautiful woman who ensured that all snakes lived in peace. (Although she is depicted as a man in some legends, she is mentioned as a woman in most stories.)

Cemshab, the son of a poor family, goes to the forest one day to look for honey with his friends. Cemshab and his friends discover a cave, but his friends leave Cemshab there. Cemshab, who is trying to get out of the cave, sees a hole in the cave and goes in..

Thus, the first person to see Shahmaran becomes Cemshab.

Moving towards the light, Cemshab sees the magical garden of Shahmaran. He sees snakes around the pool and Shahmaran, who has a milky-white body color. According to some legends, Shahmaran greets Cemshab quite kindly. Cemshab also gains Shahmaran's trust and continues to live in the cave as her guest for many years.

Cemshab wants to get out of the cave after living with Shahmaran for many years. Shahmaran gives him permission but instructs him not to tell anyone where she is.

Cemshab makes a promise to Shahmaran and gets out of the cave to meet his loved ones. Until the king of the country gets ill...

One day, the king of the country is afflicted with an unrelenting disease and the only cure is to eat Shahmaran's meat. The news are broadcast all over the country. Everyone is forced into the baths one by one and checked. When it is Cemshab's turn, he tries to escape, but the situation is noticed, and he is immediately captured. It is noticed that Cemshab's skin is the skin of a snake in the bath.

Poor Cemshab cannot stand the tortures he suffers and is forced to show the location of Shahmaran's cave.

They go to Shahmaran's cave and Shahmaran is tortured. Shahmaran said before she died, ''I knew that human beings would not be trusted! But what a remedy I was deceived again!'' Before taking her last breath, she gives Cemshab a piece of advice: ''Boil my head and drink it to the sultan, let the sultan be saved, drink my torso to the vizier, let him die. And boil my tail and you drink it.'' she says.

According to the legend, Cemshab becomes Lokman Hekim by boiling Shahmaran's tail and drinking it.

The two snakes wrapped around the staff used today are thought to come from the wisdom of Shahmaran in the field of medicine and Lokman Hekim.

It is believed that the two snakes wrapped around the staff used today come from the wisdom of Shahmaran in the field of medicine and Lokman Hekim.

Also, the snakes of Shahmaran have no idea that their shah has died. According to the rumor, the day they receive the news of the snakes' death, Tarsus will be invaded by snakes...