The Netflix Show 'The Puppet Master' is a Must-Watch

Catching a con man isn't always easy, but if you know what to look for, you can catch them. And that’s exactly what happened with this con man, who was eventually caught by the police, but still wasn’t done.

This true-crime docuseries is called The Puppet Master is about how one man named James now known as the 'Puppet Master', preyed upon the innocent for 20 years making millions of dollars.

On the surface, he seemed like a charming and successful businessman.

But underneath that facade, he was the mastermind behind a conspiracy to defraud millions of pounds from investors across the UK.

He used his good looks and charm to persuade people to give him large sums of money for investments in start-up companies that would never exist. He was so good at this that he was able to evade arrest for years. But finally, in 2017, he was sentenced to 20 years for his crimes – and it’s all shown in this new Netflix series.

Is it worth the watch?

The most interesting parts of this show are how he has played so many people over the years, and how one person finally helped expose him. Most of the stories are heartbreaking in their own right - con artists prey on those who need money quickly or those who have lost faith in the world - but they are still justice served with a side of karma.

It’s pretty hard not to feel bad for some of his victims when you hear how they were duped into giving up everything they had worked so hard for, but it’s also interesting to hear how they overcame such a tragic ordeal. So, if you are into Netflix docuseries, this should definitely be your next pick!