Let's break down the Turkish Get-Up into its individual steps to better understand the mechanics of this transformative exercise:
Starting Position: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold the weight of your choice in one hand, fully extended above your shoulder. Your arm should be perpendicular to the floor, and your gaze fixed on the weight.
The Roll: Begin by rolling onto your side, keeping the weight extended overhead throughout the movement.
One Hand to Palm: Use your free hand to prop yourself up on your elbow on the same side as the bent knee. In this position, your weight-bearing hand is on the ground, and you resemble a seated position.
The Bridge: Push off the ground with your free foot, driving your hips upwards. Your weight-bearing arm remains extended overhead. At this point, your body should form a straight line from your shoulder to your knee.
Leg Sweep: As you bridge up, swing your straight leg back, creating a tripod with your hand and two feet. Your weight should be balanced on your hand and the ball of your foot on the opposite side.
Lunge Position: From the tripod position, push through your hand and foot to move into a kneeling lunge position. Keep the weight overhead and maintain a tight core.
Stand Up: Complete the TGU by pushing off the ground and standing up fully while still holding the weight overhead. Remember to maintain proper form and stability throughout this phase.
Reverse the Movements: To return to the starting position, reverse the steps you took to come up. Step back into the lunge position, sweep the leg through, drop down to your hand and hip, and then lower your upper body back to the floor, ending in the starting position.