TikTok Slang Origins: What does ‘yt’ mean on TikTok?

We are yet again going to discover a new word from the Tiktok realm. In our “TikTok Slang Origins” series, we attempt to understand the words that the “TikTok Generation” use. But for those in the older generation, let me give you a heads up. “Yt” unfortunately does NOT refer to “YouTube'' but rather a very different word.

Do you like storytime? Or perhaps do you like watching people who narrate their western-centric experiences on the app? Then it is highly likely that you know what “yt” means!

Before we learn the meaning, let us try to read the word first. Let’s have a pop quiz!

How is “yt” read?

  • a. Y-T (like reading the letters of the alphabet)

  • b. /wayt/ (similar to wait or white)

If your answer is B, then ding, ding, ding! You are correct. “Yt” is read like the word “white” because the word exactly means how it is read— it refers to people who are mainly caucasian in race (or “the white race”) including those who have white skin tone.

The TikTok community uses “yt '' as an abbreviation to easily refer to a person’s race or color especially during storytime TikToks.

The origin of the word cannot really be traced to one specific person but it is said that people who use “yt'' mainly use it to show contempt or disapproval to the white people they refer to in their TikToks.

Oftentimes, they pronounce “yt” or white in a slightly coughing manner to not make it so obvious. Because apparently, some “yt” people get so offended when they are being talked about even when they are in the wrong.

Do you have a unique experience with “yt” people?