Magic: The Gathering, also known as Magic or MTG, is a tabletop collectible card game by Richard Garfield. Released in 1993, Magic was the first trading card game; approximately thirty-five million players are present as of 2018. Hasbro produced over 20 billion Magic cards for eight years during its peak popularity.
A player in Magic is called the Planeswalker, a powerful wizard who can 'walk' between 'planes' of the Multiverse, battling with other players as Planeswalkers by using artifacts, summoning creatures, and casting spells as shown in the individual collectible cards drawn in individual desks.
Although the original concept drew heavy motifs from traditional RPG games such as Dungeons & Dragons, the gameplay has similarities to paper-and-pencil games.
However, it is still one of the most popular card games in the world. Here is a list of the ten most expensive Magic: The Gathering cards.