In one of the most unique and captivating Spider-Man narratives, the film delves into the concept of multiple universes, where numerous Spider-People from various dimensions converge in the universe where Miles Morales safeguards Brooklyn. Miles Morales, also known as The Ultimate Spider-Man, is the son of a police officer father and a tirelessly dedicated mother. He's a high school student grappling with the challenges of fitting in. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, he undergoes a transformation, acquiring superhuman abilities. Yet, he has not fully embraced his role as a bona fide superhero.
A rift in the fabric of reality opens, leading to the arrival of Peter Parker and other 'alternate' Spider-People from diverse dimensions within Miles' universe. These include Spider-Mans like Peter Parker, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man Noir, and Spider-Ham, who come together to assist Miles in honing his skills and becoming a true superhero. However, these Spider-People are urgently seeking a way back to their respective universes.