‘Toy Boy’ tells the story of a charming young stripper, Hugo Beltran, who was quite decent handsome, and innocent. He wakes up after a party next to the corpse of his husband’s husband lover.
Sentenced to fifteen years in prison, after an unlawful trial, lawyer Triana Marin will do him a favor. She takes his case to heart and will help Hugo prove his innocence. Together, they will try to find out who wanted to frame him for a crime he seems not to have committed and why.
Parallel to the forecast on the plot of Toy Boy Season 2, months after the fire in Hell, Hugo is determined to look for the responsible for his prejudice and take vengeance for Triana. Meanwhile, Macarena tries to get rid of her sex addiction with the help of a guru.
The first season was a combination of 13 episodes but the number of episodes in the new season of the series has not yet been revealed.