The story of 'The Girl Of The Green Valley' revolves around Melissa Çelik, a young girl who lost her parents at a very young age and grew up in orphanages. With no knowledge of her family's whereabouts, Melissa struggles to find a place where she belongs. She is taken in by a family, but the matriarch, Besime, shows no interest in accepting her and subjects her to various forms of cruelty. One fateful day, after an outburst of anger, Melissa finds herself at the doorstep, and that's when she encounters a man named Metin.
Metin, a reserved and introverted man, strikes up a conversation with the lively and talkative Melissa. Unaware of the profound impact it will have on their lives, they start conversing. Witnessing some of the hardships Melissa has endured, Metin decides to rescue her, at least for the time being, and takes her to the Green Valley farm where he lives with Mahinur.
As Melissa settles into her new life at the Green Valley, her inquisitive nature leads her to uncover long-buried memories and secrets. Her journey involves finding her place in the world, making new friends, and eventually starting school. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when news of a family wanting to adopt her surfaces, throwing everything into disarray. Despite Metin's objections, Mahinur is willing to let go of Melissa, but with the revelation of a major secret, their lives become intertwined, and a new chapter begins.