The narrative revolves around Eyüp (Yavuz Bingöl), a chauffeur, and his wife Hacer (Hatice Aslan). Their lives become intertwined with the ambitious businessman Servet (Ercan Kesal), whose desire to evade responsibility for a fatal car accident leads him to manipulate Eyüp into taking the blame. The plot unravels as Eyüp serves his prison sentence, Servet loses in the elections he contested, and he starts a relationship with Hacer. The ensuing turmoil forces Eyüp and Hacer's son, İsmail (Ahmet Rıfat Şungar), to confront their family's shattered dynamics. Eyüp's release from prison, the revelation of the truth, and İsmail's eventual act of violence shape the story's climax. Throughout, the characters play the 'three monkeys' – covering their eyes, ears, and mouths – a symbol of their attempts to ignore the truth.