15 Unseen Photos of the Titanic Before Its Tragic Sinking

The Titanic's tickets were said to be sold with the slogan 'The ship that even God couldn't sink.' The tragic end of the Titanic still sends shivers down our spines. Are you ready to explore rare photographs taken before the Titanic sank, discovered on September 1, 1985, when its wreckage was found?

This is how one of the most luxurious rooms on the Titanic looked.

In an average room, there were two beds.

The lowest-priced room had bunk beds.

This is how the main dining room looked.

The most luxurious cafe, decorated in 'Parisian' style, was designed like this.

Here's a part of the à la carte restaurant.

The stairs you would use to get to the à la carte restaurant.

And of course, a barber shop.

A reading room designed for first-class passengers.

Also, the only gym on the ship that only first-class customers could use.

A smoking room also dedicated to first-class passengers.

There's even a swimming pool.

Some photos from the deck;

