White House Criticizes Musk's Comments on Anti-Semitism and Warns Against Inciting Hate Speech

The White House has issued a stark condemnation of Elon Musk, the prominent entrepreneur and CEO of companies like Tesla and SpaceX. This rebuke comes in response to a comment made by Musk on a social media platform, which was perceived as endorsing anti-Semitic sentiments.

White House Condemns Elon Musk for Controversial Comment Perceived as Anti-Semitic

White House Deputy Spokesperson Andrew Bates responding to a comment made by Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla, SpaceX, and a social media platform. Bates strongly condemned Musk for a response he gave to a user's post on the platform. The post Musk responded to claimed, 'Jews are using the same kind of hate against white people that they ask others not to use against themselves.' Musk's reply to this was perceived as endorsing anti-Semitic views.

Elon Musk Signals Possible Account Suspensions for Genocide-Implied Slogans by Palestine Supporters on His Platform

Bates emphasized the responsibility everyone has in combating hate, particularly anti-Jewish and racist sentiments. He expressed strong condemnation of any encouragement of such hate. In this instance, Musk warned that slogans used by supporters of Palestine, which he interpreted as implying genocide, could result in the suspension of users' accounts on his social media platform.