WHO Sounds Alarm: Gen Z’s Concerning Drop in Condom Use

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a surprising warning about a troubling trend among Gen Z. Recent data reveals a significant decline in condom use within this generation, raising concerns about sexual health and safety.

Condom use is crucial for a healthy sex life, and a recent statement from the World Health Organization (WHO) has raised concerns.

The announcement revealed a troubling decline in condom use among Generation Z, or young people.

Research has shown that nearly one-third of young people do not use condoms during sexual activity.

Dr. Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, commented on the issue: 'While the findings in the report are concerning, they are not surprising.'

"Age-appropriate comprehensive sex education is being neglected in many countries."

'This issue could have far-reaching consequences, such as an increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases.'