In this part of the article, you will most likely discover that you have the ability to create a serial killer and that some of the killers were once prey.
A diathesis-stress model, which says that environmental stressors cause some serial killers to go crazy, talks about a well-known cause of serial killers.
Pedro Lopez, famously known as the Monster of the Andes, was a serial killer who is believed to have murdered over 300 young girls, mostly from poor, rural, Amerindian communities. Upon arrest, he was diagnosed as a sociopath with an avoidant personality disorder. It was then known that Lopez was a product of sexual abuse. Growing up, watching his mother do sexual activities developed his sexual affection towards innocence. Because of this environment and the fact that he didn't have a sexual partner when he was young, Lopez became a monster. This was the main thing that caused him to become this way.
This case is just one of many childhood experiences that influence a person to perform inhuman activities. Imitating mechanical influences in our environment can be done slowly, especially for young children who are still growing. B.F. Skinner, known for his classical conditioning, explains how behavior can be shaped through modeling. If we grow up in a place where violence is rampant, then violence will most likely be a part of who we are.