The story of 'Yabani' revolves around a child who is taken away from a prestigious family and forced to survive on the streets. The series explores the journey of this child as they strive to regain their former life. The central question of the show is whether the ties of blood are stronger than the bonds formed through shared experiences and hardships.
The main character, Yaman, has spent his entire life fighting to survive on the streets. He has formed a unique bond with Cesur, Asi, and Umut—three individuals he crossed paths with during his childhood. Despite the trauma they've experienced, these four young people choose to leave their past behind and cling to each other for support. Despite the challenges of their difficult lives, they find happiness in their unity. Their main concern is Umut's well-being, and Yaman routinely collects paper scraps to earn a living.
However, Yaman's life takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Rüya and Alaz one day during his usual paper-collecting routine. Unbeknownst to him, this chance meeting will lead him on a peculiar journey, unraveling the mysteries of his lost childhood.