First things first, DON'T PANIC! I know it's hard but we will get through it together. Here, I left a list of survival suggestions for when the WIFI is down. Let's take a look...
First things first, DON'T PANIC! I know it's hard but we will get through it together. Here, I left a list of survival suggestions for when the WIFI is down. Let's take a look...
You know, we can't live without oxygen.
Fresh air is nice, it is... fresh.
Fix that door knob that has been falling off for the last 2 years. Or DIY a doorknob. Work your imagination.
Books, magazines, encyclopedia, clay tablet... Whatever people used to read from before screens...
Remember that thing that has been bothering you for so long... Stop postponing going to the hospital. While the internet is down and you have a chance, get it checked before it kills you.
Go to an arcade. Play some pinball or mahjong... Feel the nostalgia of the 90s...
Remember cable TV? Well, it missed you, since you were cheating on it with Netflix. Go on, turn it on. Zap until you find that weird show you've never seen before.
Refresh your memories with that Instagr... SORRY! photo album.
You can finally try that foodporn you bookmarked. Hopefully you wrote down the instructions...
Try reading the future with your old Tarot cards. Maybe they will tell you when the WIFI will work again.
Don't worry. FM signals are still out there. Radios are still a thing.
JKJK. The drill is over. Back to cat videos.